It is my
philosophy that "play" is the work of the young child; imitation is
the special talent and natural way of learning. Domestic life inspires our
daily routine and rhythm of Little Flower Preschool.
Children need
people to respect, adults whose example and loving authority they follow. They
need a range of experience-tenderness and kindness, boldness and courage, even
mischief and misbehavior. Children need to be introduced to life of principle,
and given the freedom to discover their own.
-Alliance for Childhood
Daily activities include preparing
snack and lunch together, creative play both indoors and out, seasonal crafts, water color painting (wet on wet), drawing
with bees wax crayons, gardening, nature walks, enjoying
our food together, story puppet show with quiet time; and much more.
Daily Rhythm
Little Flower is open Tuesday through Friday, from 9am to 1:30pm
Below is an sample daily schedule:
children arrive and play in or outside.
to 9:55 free play or arts and crafts, or help with snack
napkin helper sets table
all children go potty/wash hands
to 10:30 eat snack
clean up snack. Children help by clearing their own dishes
to 11:00 free play or arts and crafts
11:-11:10 clean up time
11:10-11:20 circle time
potty and get ready for outside play
outside play and craft or seasonal gardening
12:30 ring bell and clean up outside toys
12:35 come in and wash hands
12:40 puppet show
12:45-1:15 lunch
clean up lunch. quiet time to rest and read books or go outside play if there is time.
If raining; children may sit
with a book until ride comes
children go home